“Kid, let me tell you something. Most people spend their short time in this world less than half alive. They wander through their days in a haze of responsibility and resentment. Something happens to them not long after they're born. They get conflicted about what they want and start worshiping the wrong gods. Should. Mercy. Equality. Altruism. There's nothing you should do. Do what you want. Mercy isn't Nature's way. She's an equal opportunity killer. We aren't born the same. Some are stronger, faster. Never apologize for it. Altruism is an impossible concept. There's no action you can make that doesn't spring from how you want to feel about yourself.”
Fever? I love Fever so much. It's like crack.
Dani? I want her to either grow up or get her little butt out of the world I adore.
This is difficult to review. Why? Because I'm forever comparing it, not to my normal standards, but to the standards that Moning has made me set through the rest of the Fever series.
The main complaint here seems to be with the (potential) love interests…
Or, shall we say, our dear friend, Mr. Pedobear

And on this count, we have 3 suspects that may really be bears beneath their human glamour…
He is our first encounter and in that encounter is where the sexual potential seems to reach it's peak. That being said, his closeness could easily be merely an intimidation tactic. It's not as if Barron's boys aren't known for such things. Even the biting I get. But on the neck? There is a sexuality to that which I'm not comfortable with - though it isn't really pushing boundaries more than vampires do. In this book I'm comfortable enough with Roydan's connection to Dani and will be content so long as it doesn't escalate.
"She's 14 and I'm attracted to her -- attraction isn't always about sex. Sometimes it's about something far subtler and far bigger."
I liked that line. It sat well with me. But then, good ol' Christian starts to contemplate his relationship with her in relation to her age. That's not suspect at all. Clearly sex is wanted, even if he wants to wait. I figure this is not on a rational level, or a human level. But rather in relation to the sexual nature of Unseelie - of course this is disturbing, but it doesn't ring 'pedobear' as much as it could. Though, really, in terms of immortality - an individual is generally going to outage their mortal romantic interest. Theoretically, most mortal-loving immortals are cougars/manthers in their own right.
Dancer has his own charm and ideally if there were to be a romantic love interest, it should be him (even though he is still too old and I'll admit, the least interesting of the bunch). I don't want that though. He's more like that cute best friend that you'd never imagine more with. All of that being said… Dani better have no love interests that goes beyond interest. I'm allowed to revel in their sexual finesse. She however, needs to stay away from it. We need pedobear repellent ASAP.
The fact is, sexual attraction to those who are underage is not all that uncommon.
Restraint is what counts.
Through all these Dani books, I'm vouching on the side of restraint. If that gets broken… my rating is going to down at sonic speed.
Now, let's get to the meat of this book…
While I can't stand that clan of seers, Dani is the one that really grinds my gears. So, naturally, I was terrified about reading a book from her perspective. Luckily, Moning has toned Dani's voice down enough that I was still able to enjoy it. Even though every mention of dude, sheep, and feck made me cringe internally, I was relieved that they didn't occur as frequently as prior Dani encounters. I felt even more fortunate when I discovered that not all of this book is from her perspective - thank you Karen, thank you!
The plot itself is limited by Dani's age yet still manages to have that dark grit which I love about fever. The storyline was certainly an interesting one, though the staring Fae was a little underwhelming. I much preferred the Lady Gaga Fae in her dazzling meat dress. My hopes are that we'll see more of her! The story also managed to maintain an air of sexiness that didn't go into pedozone, though seriously lacked a sufficient level of Barrons. Still, very sexy.
He is no Barrons.
But fuck. FUCK.
Then there's Christian. He's a bit disturbing now. But fuck. FUCK.
I'm pretty much with Jo on this one.

Their mere presence was enough to make this that much more sassy and enjoyable.
Although... that cliffhanger? That should have happened a lot earlier. Grumble, grumble.
Okay, fine, fine, I'll wind this up.
When not compared to the other Fever books, I did really enjoy Iced. As such, I'm rating it thus. However, with the knowledge of what Moning is capable of this certainly was a little disappointing. I don't blame her for it. It's just the whole concept of leading an adult novel from a youths perspective is essentially skating on thin ice.
“I figure if there is a God, he or she isn’t paying attention to what we build or if we follow some elaborate rules, but copping a ride on our shoulders, watching what we do ever day. Seeing if we took this great big adventure called life and did something interesting with it.”